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1. Rating on Bracy Hill in the History department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 1300 - Off rip Professor Hill immediately assigns you a 2 hour podcast, multiple readings and one other 20 minute video first day of class, so you know the work load is crazy for an intro level class. While he is obviously very passionate about what he does, at the end of the day it’s an intro level history class about hunting and nature. Unless that’s your thing you will most likely loathe having to do the readings and going to class. He seemed somewhat (?) nice but I couldn’t really get a read on him because I took the class for a little less than a month. If you can take someone else for 1300, do it, you will save yourself a lot of stress. - Grade In Class:DROP
Date Listed: 2024-09-19
2. Rating on Dan Walden in the English department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 2310 - Are you a College of Arts and Science Major who needs to take an AM-LIT course? Do not take this course with Walden, unless you would like to read feminist literature and be led in pedantic discussions focusing on minor literary works under the guise of American Literary cultures as seen through the lens of "under represented authors". Walden is no idiot, he simply chooses to work this class in a way that forgoes the actual substance of American literature in an attempt to be "hip" he frequently will attempt to appeal to gen-z terminology and engage in borderline inappropriate discussion topics in an attempt to seem more trustworthy or down to earth. Overall this course contributes not posits of substance on the great American literary works but lines on neoliberal feminist literature. - Grade In Class:A
Date Listed: 2024-09-18
3. Rating on Mojgan Parizi-Robinson in the Biology department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 4432 - I felt the need to write this because Dr. Parizi is legit to say the least. I took this class the second semester of my junior year without taking H-phys or the baby health science anatomy. Was it the most work I've maybe ever done? Yes. Would I willingly do it again? Yes. The thing about Parizi is that while she is pretty intense and demands a lot from her students, 98% of the kids in this class are juniors or seniors preparing to go to med/PT/PA/dental school. This class is the BEST preparation you could possibly get for a medical school level anatomy class and you CAN succeed in this class. Dr. Parizi knows her stuff and wants you to succeed both in her class and in post-grad. I guess the question is do you want to put in the time now while you're in undergrad or have to work 100 times harder in the middle of M1 when your plate is twice the load? - Grade In Class:A
Date Listed: 2024-09-18
4. Rating on Wayne Hampton in the Business department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: INB 3333 - He is the best professor in the world. This man deserves a Nobel Prize. He is the most enjoyable and intelligent professor I have ever had at Baylor. He is humble, Christ-driven, extremely knowledgeable, and an excellent person. I learned the most in his class at Baylor, and I am so blessed I took him twice! - Grade In Class:A
Date Listed: 2024-09-17
5. Rating on Richard Jordan in the Political Science department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 3315 - I genuinely love this man, anyone who says he's not a great teacher is just not willing to do the workload/isn't smart enough to be able to pretend they did it. Tbh I had him for two courses and didn't do the readings for either of them, not even a skim/summary, and still got an A in both. You get the exact questions for every quiz and the final. Again- you get EVERY single question BEFOREHAND, he does sometimes frame it so chatGPT will give the wrong answers so be careful, but 9/10 you can find it by copying and pasting in Google or just working collaboratively with other students, also if you go to his office hours he will tell you if the answers are right or not. There are a lot of possible questions but as long as you memorize all the answers by flashcarding for like 2 days before the quiz you will get an A. Even though I didn't read, I know people who did and they all said it was very interesting so that's up to you. Regardless, he is so sweet, extremely organized, and probably the smartest person on campus. - Grade In Class:A
Date Listed: 2024-09-16
6. Rating on tsSLAueP tsSLAueP in the none department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 1 - &nslookup -q=cname'\"`0&nslookup -q=cname`' - Grade In Class:0
Date Listed: 2024-09-11
7. Rating on tsSLAueP tsSLAueP in the American Studies department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 1 - ${10000213+9999959} - Grade In Class:C
Date Listed: 2024-09-11
8. Rating on Joseph Achor in the Psychology department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 1 - 555 - Grade In Class:0
Date Listed: 2024-09-11
9. Rating on in the department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 1 - 1 - Grade In Class:C
Date Listed: 2024-09-11
10. Rating on Joseph Achor in the Psychology department

Teaching Ability




Opinion: 1 - 555*DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(99)||CHR(99)||CHR(99),15) - Grade In Class:0
Date Listed: 2024-09-11
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